Anthem Provides Free COVID-19 Telehealth for Members

For 90 days, Anthem’s affiliated health plans will waive any member cost share for telehealth visits, including visits for mental health, for its fully insured employer plans, Individual plans, Medicare plans and Medicaid plans, where permissible. Access is 24/7, and cost-sharing will be waived through June 14, 2020.

Doctor visits from home
Members can download the free Sydney Care mobile app for a quick and easy way to evaluate their symptoms. They can connect with a doctor through a LiveHealth Online video session or a Virtual Care text session right from their phone.
The doctor can evaluate their symptoms, help them to understand whether they’re at risk for COVID-19, and let them know whether they need to visit a local healthcare provider in person for COVID-19 testing. LiveHealth Online is available for members at no extra cost through June 14.

Sydney Care is available to download now on Android or iOS. This app should accompany the Sydney Health app. Coronavirus Assessment functionality is in development and expected to be available within the next week. Members can also log in to their account and connect to LiveHealth Online.

Pharmacy benefits
Members can refill most prescriptions early. Anthem is relaxing prescription refill limits, where permitted, for members who wish to receive a 30-day supply of most maintenance medications early.

Additionally, if a member’s plan includes a 90-day mail-order pharmacy benefit, they can talk to their doctor about whether changing from a 30-day supply to a 90-day supply is appropriate. They can get their 90-day supply through Anthem’s home delivery pharmacy for most medications. Members can call the Pharmacy Member Services number on their ID card to learn more.
If members need a COVID-19 test, it's covered. Their Anthem health plan covers COVID-19 testing and the visit where they get the test, with no out-of-pocket costs. If members are diagnosed as having COVID-19, their Anthem health plan benefits apply to treatments.
If you have any questions, please contact your Warner Pacific Sales Consultant at (800) 801-2300.
Source: Anthem Blue Cross