Health Net Refreshes Underwriting Programs, Gives Rate Updates

Health Net has recently made two announcements regarding their small business line.
  1. The carrier’s popular Enhanced Choice A and Enhanced Choice B underwriting programs have been given a boost, making them great ways for brokers to increase their small group book of business!
  2. Their Q1 2021 rates have been approved.
Enhanced Choice A and Enhanced Choice B underwriting programs
Relaxed paperwork requirements make selling groups simpler for 12/1/20 to 3/15/21 effective dates:
  • No DE9C or prior carrier bill required
  • Groups of 5-100 employees are eligible
  • Enhanced Choice A: enrolling a minimum of 5 active subscribers or 50% participation, whichever is greater
  • Enhanced Choice B: enrolling a minimum of 5 active subscribers or 35% participation, whichever is greater
To review underwriting program details, please click here.

Q1 2021 rate approvals
Health Net has also received rate approvals for their small group business.
Q1 2021 small business rates have a 2.1% decrease for PPO and EnhancedCare PPO plans, and a 2.6% increase for HMO and HSP plans.1
No plan changes at this time.

No rate or plan changes at this time.

Rates reduced 26.9%.2 No plan changes at this time.

Optional chiro
No rate or plan changes at this time.

For rate details, please contact Warner Pacific at (800) 801-2300.

1 The above rates represent statewide averages. Actual plan rates vary by rating region. Percentages shown compare Q1 2021 rates to Q4 2020 rates.

2 Percentage shown compares Q1 2021 rates to Q4 2020 rates.
Source: Health Net